Provision of immunization and other healthcare opportunities to the homeless community in the Sacramento Metro region, especially during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is an urgent need.
California Northstate University (CNU) expresses pride and gratitude to students from the CNU College
of Medicine (CNUCOM) for creating a collaborative and interprofessional student-led flu immunization
clinic for this underserved community.
Four Doctor of Pharmacy students, Kayla McCann, Onel Isha, Hesu Kazaryan, and Gurtej Singh, and clinical faculty preceptor, Dr. Erika Titus-Lay, collaborated with volunteers from Sacramento Street Medicine and CNUCOM students to provide flu immunizations to an unsheltered community in Sacramento. In addition to vaccinations, the pharmacy students distributed donated items such as blankets, hygiene products, and socks to the unsheltered community.
Overall, the COP students provided flu
vaccinations for 19 people living in the
unsheltered community and talked with over
50 people, answering any questions they had about flu immunizations and other health concerns. This
was an amazing learning opportunity for the students, who were humbled to learn more about the
unique challenges this vulnerable
population experiences on a daily
basis, including access to medical
Additionally, CNUCOP students, especially those in the American Pharmacists Association APhAASP/CPhA Chapter, participated in an opportunity for a virtual training regarding to service to this vulnerable population. The training was provided by Sacramento Street Medicine about considerations for interacting with the unsheltered population and community outreach efforts.
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