VPN Access Information

CNU uses GlobalProtect VPN to facilitate remote network access. This page contains all of the information and software needed to get your connection up and running. Currently, we only provide installers for Android, MacOS, and Windows x86 (32-bit or 64-bit) systems.

Note: If you need VPN access, first contact University IT, as you will not be able to download the files without permission from IT.

Instructions (Windows)

Step 1: Click

Click the up arrow in the bottom right of your screen.

Step 2: Click GlobalProtect Icon

If installed correctly, the GlobalProtect icon should appear in this menu.

Step 3: Click the 3 Horizontal Lines

The arrow in the image points to the Settings icon in GlobalProtect, press it to continue.

Step 4: Add CNSU Portal

In the GlobalProtect Settings, under the General tab, click the Add button.

Step 5: Enter Portal Address

Enter vpn.cnsu.edu in the Portal Address dialog box, then press Save.

Step 6: Sign in using your CNSU account

Log in using the standard credentials for your cnsu.edu account. If IT still needs to grant access, please create a support ticket by contacting cnuit@cnsu.edu.

Download & Install GlobalProtect